Preventing Reinjury: Developing Body Awareness During Recovery
One of the problems many recovering patients face is the risk of re-injury. Once you wake up from that surgery and need to change into regular clothes, you’ll find that getting dressed with limited mobility isn’t as easy and can be uncomfortable or painful. Take moments during your therapy sessions and rest periods to observe what your body is telling you. Are you experiencing tension or relaxation? Are you breathing properly or holding your breath? Do you feel any discomfort or pain? How is your posture?
How can a T-shirt can be a life-changing experience?
What is the ‘true cost’ of clothing, and what are the unique benefits of recovawear’s award-winning designs? recovawear aligns itself with the vision of a circular economy for the textile industry, centering manufacturing around fair wages, sustainable production and zero waste. Because making clothing to help someone shouldn’t harm another.
Getting Back to Being Active
Injury recovery can be a challenging process, not only physically but mentally as well. Adaptive clothing, like Recovawear, can make a significant difference in improving one's physical and emotional well-being during rehabilitation.
Innovation helped my recovery from surgery

These challenges led me to consider the incredible resilience of people living with disability who are constantly confronted with barriers. My first-hand experience helped me gain a greater understanding for one small part of inaccessibility in the world. What’s amazing is that there are so many people out there looking to make the world more accessible and inclusive.

Recovawear is an adaptive clothing line that helps you regain some independence during your recovery. Now for the folks at home – next time you’re getting dressed, try to put pants on with a straight leg to see what it's like. Penny was kind enough to send me some pants and underwear and these products definitely made it easier and less painful to get changed with a straight leg. Safe to say, I have never been more excited to receive clothes in the mail.